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Belize Mortgage Registeration

Belize Mortgage Registeration


TYPES OF REGISTRATION: Vessel Owership title, Preferred Mortgage, Limitation to Vessel’s domain.  



Allows the registration of the contracts of the vessels that are part of the Panamanian Merchant Marine for a period of six months, period of time in which the interested party must notarize these documents and present them locally to the General Directorate of Public Registry of Property of Vessels for the permanent registration.

Preliminary registration can be done through the Panamanian Merchant Marine Consulates and the Economic and Commercial Offices of Panama around the world.

The document subject to preliminary registration may be sent by email through the Merchant Marine Consulates or filed locally in the General Directorate of Public Property Registry of Vessels in the official preliminary registration forms, where the relevant information for the inscription of the document must be indicated.



The permanent registration consists of the notarization of the documents subject to registration in Public Deed and its presentation before the General Directorate of Public Registry of Property of Vessels for the permanent registration.